Thursday 26 January 2017

Coming back to reality

It's end of January. I can't believe my baby girl (feels like she was born  yesterday) is almost 1 year old.
She was just crying and eating ohh let's not forget and pooping part! Now she is all over the  place. You will hear everyone saying to her "NO!", "Don't" When she tries to climb unattended on sofa or tries to crawl into kitchen to nick Teslas' food. She copies laugh, cough.

The time is ticking  and in 2 months time I will be back to work. On Monday  I am having meeting with my HR and Manager. It will be so strange to step inside my old workplace as I heard lot of changed when I left. Oh well, I will try to adjust. I feel like using my whole holiday hours to stay more with my 2 beauties. I am not coming back on full-time that's for sure. I can't miss their childhood and every single achievement.

This means saving money where I can. Participating in surveys and product testings. You don't know the feeling when my older daughter Kamile is coming from school and find envelopes with HER name. The face becomes so bright and you can see her smiling. She enjoys opening letters. On weekends she waits  for 11a.m. at that time postman  comes. Then she sorts out everyone's letters and gives personally. My little postgirl ❤ ...

In next post I will write about some of my favourite teas & coffees and great deals.

Hope to see you soon.
Subscribe  to see all the news first!  xxx

Thursday 19 January 2017


Sample Policy

I always give honest feedback on samples that I am sent, but cannot guarantee to feature all samples received either on Sandra blog or other my social media. I work with a large number of brands and coverage may not be immediate. I understand you sometimes have to manage your client’s expectations for coverage so please let me know if this is a short term campaign and I will try and accommodate you. Any coverage will be my honest opinion and all free product will be clearly disclosed as such. Please allow sufficient quantities of product for photography and to be used in a variety of ways. Please supply via email details of the products, retailers and website.

Monday 16 January 2017


How many Blue Monday themed posts and articles have you seen today?
The story goes that ‘Blue Monday’ is the ‘most depressing day of the year’ based on a calculation of factors such as weather, debt levels, time since Christmas and time since failing our new year’s resolutions. In truth, Blue Monday was created in 2006 by PR people to sell summer holidays - to hook us into spending money to make us feel better. In the decade since Blue Monday was conceived in an advertising agency brainstorm, public awareness of mental health has improved greatly, but there is still a lot to do.
The truth is that we all have mental health, and whether it is Blue Monday or any of the other 364 days this year; we will all face days when we find it hard to cope for whatever reason. This week, one in six of us will experience a common mental health problem like anxiety or depression. In our workplaces and in our circles of friends, there are people living with mental health problems, or just keeping themselves afloat, whether we know it or not. The Blue Monday myth - like all good legends - has some elements of truth. We know that some people living with mental health problems find the winter months harder. If the Blue Monday hype has drawn your attention to your mental health, or made you think about how a friend, colleague, or loved one might be feeling then it has done some good.
Together with Unum we’re reclaiming Blue Monday and encouraging people to take steps all year round to protect their mental health both at work and in day to day life. Here’s some ideas:
Take time to recognise your mental health - It can be hard to recognise and make space for our feelings. When someone asks we usually say ‘I’m fine’ - but are we really? Try and check in with your feelings every day, asking yourself what’s happening, and what, if anything you need to make things better. It’s not easy - especially if things aren’t good. Try and practice being kind to yourself. Techniques like mindfulness can be helpful in learning to live in the moment without judgement. Even small changes in life like sleeping better, or taking more exercise can have a big impact. Whilst there’s a lot you can to boost your mental health, it’s always a good idea to speak to your GP if you are worried.
Take mental health to work - For many of us, our work is what gives us purpose, drive - and an income. Workplaces that promote mental health and support staff with mental health problems through thick and thin are more productive. People with mental health problems make up around 15% of the workforce. Those staff add £226bn of value to the economy every year.
Be there for someone else - reaching out with compassion to a friend or colleague and doing something for someone not only helps them, but also can boost your own mental health. Being there for someone with a mental health problem isn’t as hard as you might think. You don’t have to be a specialist to ask someone how they are doing, be present, and listen to their response.
Stand up to stigma - most people who experience mental health problems still face stigma and discrimination in the workplace. Showing empathy and saying ‘that’s not OK’ when you hear jokes or banter about mental health you can play your part in changing behaviours and making discrimination in mental health as unacceptable as discrimination on ground of race, gender, or sexual orientation..

Sunday 15 January 2017

How I save money

As you all know  I need to save £2000 this year. The reason for saving is December holiday. So in this post I will write how I am trying to save money now.

The survey pages: Pinecone, Panelbase, Mingle. These 3 are paying out money(tried and tested myself).

The product testing. It saves money too. You don't need to buy the products you get to test or if you are sure you will not use it you can always sell it or give someone as a present. The Web pages I use is TESCO ORCHARD, BZZAGENT.CO.UK, ALBA SCIENCE, MUM PANEL, MUMSURVEY, THE INSIDERS.

All the free sample Web pages. Sometimes you can order more than once. And you can save money on your shoppings. The pages I use is GRATISFACTION, LATESTFREESTUFF.CO UK, LATEST DEALS.

When I come for grocery shopping I always check cashback sites: Shopmium,shopitize, click and snap and checkout smart. I get free to stuff or I get discount for the products.( after you shopping you need to upload picture with receipt). Coming home I use another app called RECEIPT HOG. Everytime I upload  picture of receipt I get entry to prize draw, a spin for free coins or just coins. It doesn't cost you anything to do all of these.

Last but not least complimentary or complaint letters/emails. Companies sending either stuff or vouchers. Well some of them they just ignore it.

If you know more ways to save money please let me  know.

I Hope you are having nice weekend.

Take care xx

Friday 13 January 2017

New Year-New Me

Hello folks,
I hope everyone had nice and warm Christmas and good New year party. Well I did! Just returned from 2 weeks holiday  and finally got time to sit down and write this post. The cold is here, it's snowing at the minute and  I have cup of tea with some biscuits. Sugar and fat  is my enemy because everything I eat goes into my body.
So my plan and to do list is:
1. Loose weight
2. Start working
3. Plan holiday for this summer ( budget holiday). If you have any ideas please do not hesitate and write in comments section.
4. Become pregnant again
5. Save £2000 this year ( the biggest challange).

Share your plans for this year too xx